Reading By Date
Notes offers a way to read all notes and responses written since
a certain date and time. This feature is designed so that you can
sequence through all new postings using a single key. For every
note with new responses, the base note is displayed first to
provide context. A keypress then skips to the first new response.
Pressing the same key repeatedly sequences through the rest of
the response chain, and then skips to the next note with new
In 1978, John Matheny implemented the Notes Sequencer, a great
boon to habitual notes readers. The Sequencer lets you create a
personal list of the notesfiles you read regularly, and
automatically keeps track of the last time you read each one.
Using the Sequencer, you can quickly scan all the notesfiles in
your list for new postings with a minimum of key presses.
Copyright © 1994 by David R. Woolley
Copyright (c) 1996 - 2006 Elizabeth Mattijsen
I appreciate comments, suggestions and bug-reports.
Please send these to liz-comments@dijkmat.nl.